Yes, this is part 2 of teaching you "How to Increase Height Naturally?"In this part 2, I have focus to teach
1. Save yourself from negative people near to you because his negative advice will stop you taking all positive actions for your height growth naturally.1. Stop Negative People
When you crossed your height growth age which is between 16 to 18 years, people will start to negative if you will go to training of height growing. For example you are 25 years and you are hanging for height growing and told same to a person. Same person will surely replied with his negative thoughts by following words.
a) I can write on stamp paper, you can not grow because you crossed your height growing age.
b) I can write on blank cheque, you can not grow your height because you have crossed your height growing age. Please write Rs. 40 Lakh or whatever amount on it and cashed from my bank if your height will increase only 1 inch.
c) Your height growing plates are closed
d) Your height growing harmons are no more.
With these negative words, you will be negative and give up all positive actions which are need to increase your height.
So, first stop to talk all negative people because their words will influence your mind and your mind energy will work negative.
2. Do Height Growing Exercises challenge basis
When you crossed your height growth age which is between 16 to 18 years, people will start to negative if you will go to training of height growing. For example you are 25 years and you are hanging for height growing and told same to a person. Same person will surely replied with his negative thoughts by following words.
a) I can write on stamp paper, you can not grow because you crossed your height growing age.
b) I can write on blank cheque, you can not grow your height because you have crossed your height growing age. Please write Rs. 40 Lakh or whatever amount on it and cashed from my bank if your height will increase only 1 inch.
c) Your height growing plates are closed
d) Your height growing harmons are no more.
With these negative words, you will be negative and give up all positive actions which are need to increase your height.
So, first stop to talk all negative people because their words will influence your mind and your mind energy will work negative.
2. Do Height Growing Exercises challenge basis
Challenge is must. Challenge help your goal and what you show in the front of the world.
A) Complete 200m in 25 Second by Fast Running : Flexible whole body muscles and bones.
A) Complete 200m in 25 Second by Fast Running : Flexible whole body muscles and bones.
If you want to run 200m in 25 seconds, you need to follow following 3 rules.
1. Set your Mind that you have already achieved your goal at same time.
2. Set your Strategy for Running. It means, how will you run. You may make own strategy like run first 100 m so fast, then small low the speed for taking big breath and again last give full energy.
3. Warm up your body is must.
Remember, Running is very important for
1. Stable Weight
2. Cure Indigestion
3. Increase Height
4. Increase Immune System
5. Strong the Nervous System
6. For Winning Sport Competition
3. Sleep Regular 8 hrs and Get up 4 AM Daily
4. If there is no water for swimming, use dry swimming exercises.
5. Do all Height Growing Asans.
So, come and learn Top 8 Height Increasing Yoga Asanas
1. Bhujang Asan
It is also called cobra pose. It helps to flexible the spinal bone which is very important to increase the height. Start it from 30 seconds and then increase the time. First of all opposite shavasan and then with the help of two hands, lift the upper body and see the sky.
2. Sarvang Asan
First of all do norml shav asan and then lift the foot above and support it with your two hands.
3. Hasth padan asana
It is also called hand to foot bend pose. Because we bend our stomach and touch the hand on the earth near foot.
Initial Stage of this Asan is Tarasan. Sit Tarasan for 30 to 60 seconds and then do hasthpadan asan . So, we will not give extra tarasan which is also important like this.
Padmasan is also yogic asan after completing every asan. So, we will not give extra.
4. Adho mukha asana
This asan is also called rock asan. It decreases the stress and increases energy level which we need to increase the height.
5. Trikonasana
Trikon asan is also called tringle pose. It increases both arms and spine.
6. Danur Asan
Danur asan also increases who body because whole body will flexible. It is very difficult. So, you can start it from 5 to 10 seconds only.
7.Akashlakashye Asan
Sit on padma asan. Both finger and eyes, you have to go in the sky after taking long breath and then stop the breath. This is also called skygoal pose.
8. Chaker Asan
Chakar asan is very good for increasing height. It will make the flexible posture and relief the stress. We can do this with two way. One is through shav asan and second is through standing. It is also called wheel pose or circle pose.
1. Set your Mind that you have already achieved your goal at same time.
2. Set your Strategy for Running. It means, how will you run. You may make own strategy like run first 100 m so fast, then small low the speed for taking big breath and again last give full energy.
3. Warm up your body is must.
Remember, Running is very important for
1. Stable Weight
2. Cure Indigestion
3. Increase Height
4. Increase Immune System
5. Strong the Nervous System
6. For Winning Sport Competition
3. Sleep Regular 8 hrs and Get up 4 AM Daily
4. If there is no water for swimming, use dry swimming exercises.
5. Do all Height Growing Asans.
So, come and learn Top 8 Height Increasing Yoga Asanas
1. Bhujang Asan
It is also called cobra pose. It helps to flexible the spinal bone which is very important to increase the height. Start it from 30 seconds and then increase the time. First of all opposite shavasan and then with the help of two hands, lift the upper body and see the sky.
2. Sarvang Asan
First of all do norml shav asan and then lift the foot above and support it with your two hands.
3. Hasth padan asana
It is also called hand to foot bend pose. Because we bend our stomach and touch the hand on the earth near foot.
Initial Stage of this Asan is Tarasan. Sit Tarasan for 30 to 60 seconds and then do hasthpadan asan . So, we will not give extra tarasan which is also important like this.
Padmasan is also yogic asan after completing every asan. So, we will not give extra.
4. Adho mukha asana
This asan is also called rock asan. It decreases the stress and increases energy level which we need to increase the height.
5. Trikonasana
Trikon asan is also called tringle pose. It increases both arms and spine.
6. Danur Asan
Danur asan also increases who body because whole body will flexible. It is very difficult. So, you can start it from 5 to 10 seconds only.
7.Akashlakashye Asan
Sit on padma asan. Both finger and eyes, you have to go in the sky after taking long breath and then stop the breath. This is also called skygoal pose.
8. Chaker Asan
Chakar asan is very good for increasing height. It will make the flexible posture and relief the stress. We can do this with two way. One is through shav asan and second is through standing. It is also called wheel pose or circle pose.
I am a meter 1.62 and I want to be a 1.80, how can you