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How to Be Happiest Person in the World


Following are 15 Rules of becoming happiest person in the world 

1. Happiness is Real Wealth

In your balance sheet, there may be large number of assets and no liability. It may be your financial wealth. But real wealth is your happiness. You will understand it early, you will enjoy life early. We are running behind financial wealth day and night like made. We reduce our health and relation due to this. We unable to make the balance in it and result is disease and breaking of good relationships. For getting heal

1. Doctor will take your all wealth for giving some promise of your good health

2. Advocate will take all wealth for solution of your relationship problem. 

Instead giving full energy on financial wealth, can you not balance of finance, health and relationship. With this balance, you can become the happiest personal in the World. It simple means, gives 33% your total time to earn money and save money and invest money. 33% time, eat naturally, digest it with exercise and do yog and meditation. 33% time to make good relationship by writing gratitude notebook, forgiveness notebook and anger control notebook. 

2. Hate Never Gives You Happiness 

Hate means you dislike the person from your deep mind and you do not see the person in this world. You are ready to remove same person or thing through violence. If you think like this, you can not become happiest person in the world because Hate will weak your mind, body and soul. You will start hate on the basis of color, then you will start hate on the basis of other parts of life. You will hate on the basis of race, on the basis of religion and on the basis of caste. 

Millions of murders had done in this world due to hate 

IN USA, black people were made slave due to hate to black color people

In Germany, Million jew were killed due to hate with jew people

In Pakistan, large number Hindu were murdered due to hate with Hindi people by Muslim.

What is result. No peace. World Wars and violence and no happiness any face of people.

If we have to become the happiest person of the world, we have to break hate and bring love between

all religion, all caste and all color and all nations.  

3. Happiness Comes from Hopefulness

If you have hope, you will live happy life and every problem will solve. You may be in trouble in current situation but if you have hope, sun with new energy will come, you will become happy with this hope. 

4. Happiness Comes from Goodness

Do any good work in  a day and your face will smile and you will get happiness.

Give food to needy and poor

Give free treatment to poor patients

Give free water and food to animals

Give water to plants and you will get high level of satisfaction and it will give you happiness. 

5. Happiness Never Comes from Anger 

Anger will take your all blood and energy. It gives only hate and fight and violence. You will busy to hate with anger. So, you will not have any time to be happy. You are responsible because you are try to stop fire with your own anger fire. It is impossible. You have to bring peace. Happiness comes from peace. 

When you anger with other, it gives you short term satisfaction in the mind that you answer the bad boy but in long-run, you only feel unsatisfied because with your anger, bad boy becomes worst and your relationship becomes bad. So, anger is just like taking loan and fulfil short term desire and increase long term liabilities. Best solution is to focus where is problem and cut its root. It may be your inside ego, jealousy, hate or other’s ego, hate and jealousy of other. If it is your inside ego, jealousy and hate, remove it with humble, appreciation and love. If it is other’s ego, jealousy and hate, again use same tools humbl, appreciation and love can remove other’s problem but anger increases only relationship gap and taking you far from happiness. So, if you want to become happiest person, never anger. 

6. Happiness Comes from Kindness

Kindness is the medicine of making your heart healthy and happy. Do kindness by forgive others who did mistakes who gave you pain. 

When you show your kindness with your kind action, it will release positive neurochemicals in your brain and body which gives you feeling like happiness.

It creates good connections with other people who is also engage these activities and you can reward yourself that you are important to the world because someone needs your kindness and you given. 

if you want to become the happiest person in the world, 

donate the clothes, books, local donations and shelter for helpless. 

Give free food to needy and help who needs your help. 

Show your gratitude for other’s kindness.

Help to old and disable person to cross the road. 

Clean your public park.

Free tuition to poor and needy students. 

Organising charity for social helpful causes.

7. Happiness comes from Learning

If you learn something new, you will get happiness because you feel proud that you know something and you can help with this knowledge. So, everyday, learn something new. 

8. Happiness Comes from Nature

Nature gives you the gift of happiness. If you are among animals and trees and forest and earth, you will become happiest person of the world because it gives you happiness because your level of oxygen will increase, your level of health will increase. You feel happy to see all the animals and nature happy. You will enjoy rain and sun and smell of earth. You will no time to take any worry and stress and tension and depression 

9. Happiness Comes to Live Full Life

If you will spend your time in past and future tension, you never become happy, you need to enjoy your today life today and forget whatever situation. You have to keep control in your own hand. 

10. Happiness Comes to See the Miracle inside Body

God has made your body wonderful. Your inside is miracle. Learn inside. 1 Lakh kilometer double highway in the form of arteries and veins. Blood is running with 400 kms per hr speed. Blood is making new cells. Your food is converting into red blood whether you eat any white color food or green food. 

Your muscle is becoming strong day by day if you work. If you have face fractured, your bone cell made from your blood cell. 

Do you feel wonderful. Yes, your body has power to heal all diseases. You need only to thanks god and feel happy. 

11. Happiness Comes from Love Medicine

love is the great medicine of the world. It is non stop happiness giver. With love, you can win hate and anger. With love, you can win other's heart. With love, you can increase your financial wealth, physical health and makes good relationship. You need only to connect with love. So, start love and get happiness

12. Happiness Comes from Freedom

It is true if you are slave in your country, you will never get any happiness. Freedom is great source of happiness. So, do straggle to get freedom. India was slave 200 years of British People and now we are free. So, we have to celebrate this freedom by bring happiness on all Indian face by removing poverty, unemployment and disease slavery. 

13. Happiness Comes from Share What you Excess Whether Pain or Comforts

If you have pain and if you will share, it will become half. If you have comforts, and if you will share it will double

So, both side with sharing excess, you become happy. 

So, share everything what you have excess. 

Share your knowledge. For example, I learned these mantra from anywhere and I am sharing with you and I am getting happiness price. 

14. Happiness Comes from Tolerate the Pain

If you have any pain and if you do not eat any pain killer and if you tolerate it, it means, you have increased your power and it will give you confidence due to this power and you will feel happy. 

15. Happiness Comes from Ethics 

If you have the following ethics, you will happiest person in the world

a) Truthfulness

b) Honesty

c) forgiveness

d) accept own mistakes

f) gratitude

g) Appreciation

h) Smile and laugh

i) bravery

j) courage

k) Dream

Put efforts to learn them. 


Acidity,5,AIDS,2,Allergies,1,Anger Management,4,animal therapy,2,Answers,1,Asanas,9,Asthma (Disease Or Medical Condition),2,Attitude,1,Bacterial diseases,1,bite treatment,1,Blood Pressure,5,Bone and joint Diseases,4,Boost Immune System,11,Brahmachari Song,1,Brahmacharya,32,Cancer,3,Cholesterol,1,Cold,1,Conceive the Baby,1,Constipation,1,Control Sexual Urges,1,Cough,3,cure baldness,1,Diabetes,1,Diagnosis,2,Diet Plan,16,Differences,1,digestion system,1,digestion system disease,1,Discipline Quality,1,Ear Diseases,1,Emotions,21,ENT,1,Environment Protection,4,Exercise for Health,50,Eyes Diseases,1,FAQ,1,Fasting,3,fat burn,2,Fever,2,Fibroids in Uterus,12,Fire therapy,1,Fitness,1,Free Solutions,12,Gallbladder Stone,9,gangrene,1,Gastritis,1,ghee,1,God,1,Good Habits,7,Gratitude,3,Habit,1,Hair Diseases,3,Happiness,7,Heal,1,Health Dictionary,33,Health Motivation,15,Health Tips,56,Heart Diseases,4,Height Converter,1,Height Increase,28,Hernia,25,HIV,3,Human anatomy,1,Human Body,3,Hydrocele,10,Hypothyroidism,2,IBS,9,Indian Cow,1,Infectious diseases,3,Jaundice,1,Kidney Diseases,1,List of Fruits,1,Liver Diseases,9,Love,1,Lungs diseases,2,Meal Planning,2,Medical Test Reports,2,Meditation,3,Men's Health,3,Mind,6,Mud Therapy,1,Natural Medicine,10,Natural Foods,14,Nature,2,Naturopathy,1,Naturopathy Techniques,6,Naturopathy Treatment,60,Never Eat Meat,1,Night Fall,1,Niyam,1,Non- Veg.,1,Notification,1,Obesity,1,Ovary Cysts Solutions,4,overcome sex,5,Overcome Sexual Thoughts,1,Overcome the Addiction,16,Overweight,2,Oxygen Level,2,pain,12,Pancreas diseases,2,Peace of Mind,1,Personality Development,3,Piles,2,Plants and Tree Donation Campaign,1,Positive emotions,6,Positivity,8,Pranavayam,3,Pranayama,1,Premium Audio,1,Premium Videos,1,Productivity Tips,2,Psychological Treatment,43,Quiz,1,Relationship,1,Reproductive System Diseases,3,Reproductive System Health,3,Respectfulness,1,Respiratory system diseases,7,Running,2,Sciatica,1,Self Confidence,9,Shoulder Pain,6,Silence,3,Sinusitis,2,Skin Diseases,6,Solutions,24,song,2,Spleen Diseases,12,Stomach Diseases,21,Streches,1,Strength Exercises,5,stress,4,Stress Management,9,success,1,Swami Dayanand Naturopathy Hospital,1,Symptoms of Diseases,13,Teeth Diseases,3,Testimonials,8,Thankfulness,2,thinking,5,Thoughts Leadership,5,Urinary System Diseases,1,Varicocele,15,Vegetables,1,Videos,2,Weight Gain,7,Weight Loss,4,Woman Naturopathy Treatment,22,Written Content,1,Yog,10,Yum,1,
Swami Dayanand Naturopathy Hospital: How to Be Happiest Person in the World
How to Be Happiest Person in the World
Swami Dayanand Naturopathy Hospital
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