Anger is big enemy of health. It takes the seat of your happiness and make your sad with anger negative emotion. If you want to be healthy, you need to bring happy emotions. But anger brings more and more negative emotions like hate, jealousy, revenge, fear and sadness. So, you need to control it in beginning through proper Anger management.
There may be different situations in different family. suppose, a lady has married in home where there is angry mother-in-law who is always interested to fight with her daughter-in-law. How will daughter in law ignores her angry mother in law.
Following are Simple Steps will use
1. Never Focus What is not In Your Control
Someone distracts you because you give the permission by focus on what is not in your control. You can not control the anger of other. You can control your own anger. Your mother-in-law is angry. It is foolish idea to debate with her and say stop. Instead, you have to focus on good things. You have to focus to make good habits like to set the priority of day and workout for your own dreams.
With the mistake, milk falls down on the floor and due to hurry, you forgot to clean it
Your Mother in law is very angry and says
My lazy daughter in law never cleans anything and do only mistake. She is snake who only to eat my son's money and never do any work in home.
Really these are very abusing words and it can hurt you.
Now You Do 5 Work
1. If abusing through angry words is the daily habit of your mother -in-law. Say your husband to make understand her instead direct debate.
2. Never use any aggressive words because your mother in law's mind not in your control
3. Control your mind and first clean the fallen milk.
4. Now, take the headphone in ears and listen motivational talk or meditation or music.
5. Go far from her. Always focus on your goal
2. Forgive and Forget
Start Notebook and write
I forgive my mother-in-law because
to speak angry words is her bad habit. But by speaking bad words, I do not make my own bad habits.
Good habit is to forgive
Great people forgive. Bad people involves in anger, aggressive debate and fight and revenge and hate.
I am not bad.
She is My Mother-in-Law but she is not God. If she is doing bad with me, God is seeing her because God is omnipresent. He is great judge. I am silent but it does not mean, I am weak. I gave forgive but it does not mean, I am coward.
I believe on the God, if anything wrong with me and anybody hurt me, God takes its accounting invisible and punish at good time. From my side, I totally give its judgement burden on God for forever. That is real forgive.
3. Take Big Imagination
If you still unable to ignore angry mother-in-law, starts to take big imagination. When my mother in law angers, she becomes Snake. I love snake but I have to beware to come near her. So, as my mother in law will angry, I will go far by saying in my mind picture, this is snake, this is risky animal for my health. It will give me poison with his negative thoughts.
4. Fire can not be Cool with Fire
If you do not ignore, it means, you will also angry with mother in law and start abusing. This not solution. Close your eyes and see fire can not be cool with fire. Fire always cool with water.
Believe in Great Quote
My mind is water. It can shape in every situation. It is cup in cup and jug in jug. It is not only its single Quality. My mind is water. It can cool all the fire. If other will have the fire of anger and shape of big Jug. I have the water of peace, I can adjust in her life with the shape of jug by cooling her.
5. Spend Time to Gratitude
If you spend time to write the gratitude journal, your happiness daily level will be up with 25%. Means, 25% free increase in your happiness. Happy people do not time to think ignore or not ignore. They are busy to enjoy in happiness.
A goat is eating my garden and I am angry and abusing her what will happen. Goat will nothing care because She is happy to enjoy the happiness which she gets to wondering and eat the food.