Welcome part 8 of "100 benefits of Brahmacharya". Read first part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5 , part 6 and part 7 .
36th Benefit of Brahmacharya: shield Against Internal Asur Lust, Anger and Greed
Did you see in the museum that there lots of shield? These shields were used to protect from attacks of enemies. In this shield, there are lots of strong iron clothes for soldiers and also shield in hand for protecting sword attacks.
Biggest Enemies and demons live in the mind and attack anytime on the mind and make it weak.
Its name are Lust, Anger and Greed.
Only following of strict brahmacharya, you can save from its attack.
Gita Says
त्रिविधं नरकसयेदँ द्वारं नाशनमात्मनः।
कामः क्रोधस्तथा लोभस्तस्मादेतत्रयं त्यजेत।
There are three doors which carry you to hell. Whose name are Lust, Anger and Greed. IF you are good person, you have to leave it.
With the brahmacharya, you have won your sexual desire. With this, you will think first before taking any action and if Demon of Lust attacks on 1 Million times, it will fail on you. He wanted to show lust through as but you have deleted all the apps which spreading lust. It will attack on you to show lustful lady offline. But after seeing, brahmachari close his eyes and spoke in the mind. She is my mother. I am seeing goddess mother in her and attack of lust fail on it. All the attacks will fail on the brahmachari. Last attack may be through wife. At this time, brahmachari got vairagya like Budha and got self-realisation.
Because brahmachari always read the spiritual and holy books and got the knowledge and he got great treasures to win the anger. He knows,
Anger can win with peace and peace will come overcome own desire and educating to mind. Dear mind, you have to speak with all with love, with respect, with humbleness.
If he does not desire to anger with other. No one make him angry.
Greed demon also can not attack on Sidh Brahmachari because brahmacharya taught him never greed of lust. God is saving your money in the form of Vital energy. So, he never run outside money. He enjoys on small foods and remembers god and feels satisfied.
Brahmachari Remembers
Anger will be on past happened things and eat my worthy current time.
Greed will affect my Future good plans and eat my worthy time through future anxiety.
Lust will be on the current time and Waste my whole current time.
So, I have to focus on the brahmacharya and it is my shield from protecting lust, anger and greed.
37th Benefit of Brahmacharya: Help to Awaken Kundalini Power
Brahmacharya helps to awaken the Kundalini. When Yogi, first follows the brahmacharya for 365 and never withdraw a single drop of semen from his body or rj from body. He or she becomes able to awake the kundalini power.
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