Patient : Dear Sir, My stomach does not clean properly and my liver enzymes SGPT and SGOT have increased. I think, it happens due to my Navel Displacement since long almost 10 yrs. Kindly guide me how to heal it.
Me : Dear patient, first of all, you have to understand everything fundmental for cleaning your stomach properly.
Not Cleaning Stomach :
Stomach does not clean, it clear means that there is dust in it. See this image.
GPT Test :
SGOT Test :
This is enzyme which produces by liver and its full name is serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase. If the quantity is high, it means is an indication of liver cell injury. So, we can easily diagnosis that liver starting damaging and it is time to care it. This enzymes also found in kidney, heart, muscles and brain. If it increases, there is injury any these places
Normal is 8 to 45 unit per liter of blood serum if there is more than 45 unit, it means, it is showing indicate inside any injury.
Now Navel Displacement :
Navel displacement means, navel is not on its natural place
Now Learn the steps to Clean Stomach Properly under your circumstances.
Learn also what to do naturally before medical tests.
Learn also why should fire all test reports.
1st Step : Never bring Constipation
With this video, you will get learn to clean by removing your constipation