Give answer of my question
Q. 1. Will lock Will not open from its key
Ans. Yes, your Will be lock must open with its key. Same is my personal treatment, if you will follow it honestly, you will heal totally. You need only believe like you believe on the key of lock.
Q. 2. Will 1 billions years darkness in room need 1 billions years for become light in room even after reaching sunlight?
And. Definitely, you say no. Only within micro second, all darkness will remove. My personal treatment also natural like sunlight and when it will start work, your disease will totally heal.
Q. 3. Will you eat next 100 day bread today?
Ans. You say, no, you eat today bread only today. Never eat 100 days bread today. Then why you try eat future happening in your mind. Be determined only positive action. Give mind command, never worry about future. Enjoy today. Today happiness will increase the possibility of happiness of tomorrow.
Q. 4. Will you stop walk even, there is risk of to be killed outside?
And. You say no. Even, there is risk of road accident, there is risk of slipping and fall down. But still, you love walk outside. Because you are human being, you love nature. You love you face risk everyday to become strong. My treatment is also natural, you have to try like try walking outside.
Q. 5. Will you think Positive or Negative when You will in your first day on Your Job?
Ans. You say, you think positive, in future, you can think that your salary will increase or you will promotion. You think never negative regarding demotion or decrease of salary because you have the confidence, you will do best and result will great. If you start to think negative, your brain release negative harmons and it will sure, my personal treatment will not work because negative harmons increases the diseases not decreases the diseases.
Daily you have to say that this is my new day, if I will work as per natural life, I will heal totally. I am healthy from mind and brain and my body will soon healthy.
My treatment is also your job. You have to think positive and my treatment will work on you positively.
If you want to get my personal treatment, please WhatsApp +91-9356234925