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How to Overcome Jealousy?

Jealousy is a negative emotion. It can easily destroy human life. It is very necessary to get rid of it or overcome jealousy. We are telling you the easy way to get rid of it. We will also tell you how you can come here with positive emotions such as love, attachment, faith and optimism.

Meaning of jealousy

First of all let's know what jealousy is. Envy or jealousy  means the burning and to feel negative after seeing the success of other. Only two types of people live in this world. Whether it is a woman or a man.

First : Those who keep burning their fire inside for their purpose. Anyone has any motive. There has been such a great person in the world that for 21 years, only one fire starts inside them, that they  have to achieve this goal in every condition. One day it comes that their goal is fulfilled.

Second: On the other side, a fire also appears. That is the fire of jealousy. Those who see the success of others in their midst and burn the burning fire. Meaning you bring insecurity in yourself. Deciding yourself less about others Show yourself down If you did not achieve anything in your life, your partner got the goal.

When such thoughts and thoughts come to your mind. So this jealousy seed gradually gets water from your thoughts and becomes a tree. The biggest disadvantage of this is the sourness in your relationship. You can get angry with your friends because of jealousy. You can make a wrong thought about them. Just as your friend went ahead more than you, you can ask him to look down on that you have made this money with a bribe or dishonestly. Because there is jealousy in your heart and it is calm with such false accusations, but when will say same to your friend, you will be disconnected from his or her selfless help.

You spoil your all your energy in anger, hatred and unbelief, because you have heart disease. But you have to believe that we live on this earth. We depend on each other. Therefore, the more you envy and hate the success of others, the more you become unsuccessful and you will make your body a home for the disease.

Because of jealousy you also cause poison in other people's life. Just like a wife burns up her husband by seeing her friend's husband. She can start showing fear to your husband. If you do not give me the one who has given my friend's husband to her then I will suicide myself. Women are particularly emotionally jealous. Therefore, they also need to keep it under their control.

So come, now we learn how to get rid of jealousy monsters.

First step: To get rid of jealousy, increase your self confidence every day

 You have to improve your personality. This can happen. who is the  person  in this earth who came out of the womb of his mother  and he or she was a huge singer, a huge dancer  and was a handsome, which God gave to the gift of swimming at his or her birth. There is no one like this. Everyone takes the training. As soon as you start taking the training of self-confidence. I will start support of you.

First Think : You never thought that you did not have  anything what the other have

By the example you look at an actor I am not like that. I am failure as actor. It is not like that you never have to think. Same actor did hard work and got great training that is reason, he is at this position. If I will do same training, I can achieve same goal.

Second Think : Never  think  other has given more than me. 

Your confidence will also increase. If you think like this.  When there was  darkness, at that time God has so many tools to remove darkness.  He gave the sun, moon, gave the planet. More than this, God gave light of eyes. The eyes will become blind if the light does not come from our brain to see that light. God gave the light also. When I'm blind There is no question of jealousy. So remember - God redeemed the sun, the moon, the planet, and the eyes from the darkness and gave it to the lane in the light. If there is no light, there will be darkness. In darkness when we will walk , we may fall on  a stone in the road and face accident. The giver has given so much. Write down this thing and remember it. This increases the confidence of  your soul.

Now Third think : - Never think that  I have less knowledge and IQ from other. 

He made money.  He progressed and achieved  success with it. He has a lot of intelligence. This is wrong to say. God has given you even the same intelligence. Remember, everyone's IQ  in the world is equal. Many use it. They get more intelligence. Those who do not use intellect, their intellect strength decreases.

I can tell you the knowledge of my mind with five knowledge senses and five action senses. Who gave it. God has given it to you also. I heard a great  singer. A good singer always practices it. If I practice, I too can be good singer. Lots of people do not have to give lectures. In 2008 I had the first YouTube video. So gradually practicing, when there were two thousand videos, it got used to speaking. My self-confidence increased as well, you can do it too. That God has given you five knowledge senses and five action senses to succeed you. Apart from this God also gave a mind to you.  It is powerful tool of your success if you know how to use mind for success.

Change your life according to your desire as you make your imagination. Apart from this, there is a nervous system in the body, it starts from the brain and goes to the feet. Why did he also give it because he wants to see you in progress. Because all his sons and children are equal. He wants you not to be jealous in life and attain your goal. God gave so many things to you. The spirit in which you are flowing is also given by  God. Just forget positive and negative feeling. Who is maker of feeling Mind and who is the maker of mind. God. Yes. So, God has given you mind that is reason you can think and you can grow your life.

God gave us our body. To maintain its health, gave the plantation. So many things to eat. Remember, the money does not appear on the Plant. The fruits come from the ground. All human beings are equal.  This is the number of countries that the old  persons  had made in past. India and Pakistan made by evil mind people. All is equal. Pakistan, India, China, Australia. Today India and America are different countries. One day many good people will come in this world and they will make them one. This can happen. Because God wants. God wants that you are his children and you should stay with happy instead jealousy. And you are making yourself sad in jealousy. Reducing your self-confidence and increasing fear.

Did not God give earth to live? Did not he gives  you food to eat?  Did he not give you the resources  to make money? The biggest water God gives  to you, which makes electricity and runs the factories. If there is a solar plant in your house then it also receives energy from the sun and gives free electricity to you. When this cloths become old, then God also gives a death gift. There is a soul inside it. He also give his blessing to immortality of your soul. So everything is near to you and will become if you will think positive.

Now gradually you have to learn self-belief. Your focus should be towards success. Whatever you have to do is learn slowly. If you see any successful person in any field. Seeing his or her self-confidence, how he or she succeeded. It will be a few steps. Do not do just copy. Do those actions on those steps. You will see that you are also successful like them. Self confidence is growing in you. A person is watching his brother when he was 17 years old. His brother's height increased, he sees only him and always says why his height does not increase. He is now 27, if he took his focus towards action, then his height would have increased. Whether there is an area of ​​health, whether there is an area of ​​finance, an area of ​​sales, jealousy will fall down to you. Suppose you are not good salesman, Study the book the greatest salesman of the world and you will become the greatest salesman. Study those great personalities book. You will have to learn skills  that skill in them. I did a lot of experiment  on this book. I said what this book told me. You also speak and a salesman will be born in you.

You have input for everything. Just keep free your some time everyday and workout on it. Do not ever think that you do not have  what other have. We have everything. I always think that God has given so many things. It is not time to think that I did not have what other have. Everything has given me only by God.

Second step: Save Money Every Month

If your mind burns, the other has a bungalow and the car but you do not have such luxuries. The other is having fun and I do not have the money. Have you thought of how much you  save money every month after getting earning? The answer will be no. When money comes to you, you start wasting. When you earn money, they are very few, but when you keep them in your savings account, then that money increases so much that you can invest. And you can buy what he has, but you do not have it. He has a car,  you can not take. He has a bungalow, you can not take. But he has a habit of saving if you do not take this good habit, it is sure, you did not take what he has. If you have a biography of any richest person, then you will find that they all become rich with a good habit of saving. The habit of saving them was like a drug addiction. There are many  government banks in India and post office  in which you  put your money. Today, the bank also are making a dirty habit, SIP means invest in Mutual fund. Save your money in the stock market. Do not save money in them all are gambling tricks.  Saving means you will be able to support this money when you will not be able to work for your safety. Money can also be immersed in shares and mutual markets.

You invested in your business. Invest in your own business is best.

Step Three: Write Your Life Goals on Paper

This goal will tell you what you have to do in life. Write your 20 year old goal, 10 year old goal, 5 year old goal, 1 year goal, 6 month goal, 1 month goal, 1 week goal. Work every day according to your target of life. With this, you will achieve the goals and then write them back in your success notebook. This way you will know your challenges and you will stop jealousy by seeing others' successes.

Suppose a man sees that he is a handsome. he has good muscles. You can get same. You can also have muscles, you just have to do your daily workout in the gym as he does. You must set Goal to make your muscles. You do not want to see others and envy.

You finish your day as waste day because you do not make your daily goal.  You must have heard the name of the Atal Pension Scheme. It is at least 20 years saving goal which gives life time pension after age of 60 years. You have to save it every month upto the age of 60 years according to the pension received per month. You are also living for a long time of your life, it is an accounting area, the area of ​​finance, the area of ​​construction. In all you set your goals. You want to be the Chief Manager, you can become. Just you have its goal. If you are more agitated then you start feeling low after seeing good health of other. Only Health's Natural Rules follows and  It is possible  that you are healthy person. So, set the goal of health. If you do not have a goal, then you can create a  a very small goal in your life.

Step Fourth: Improve Your Relationships

You should not feel jealousy in your relationship. Relation is for sacrifice. Relation is for giving the value and trust. You get the opportunity about how can you help your second party in your relation.

 If your brother is progressing then encourage him and not jealousy. If you trust them then they will trust you. In this way you two can go ahead with the help of each other.

 Step Fifth: Do not Compare Yourself to Others

Always have to compare yourself with yourself, not to compare yourself to others. If someone else has progressed more than you, then you should see how you should take inspiration from him, then you will be able to move forward. You can make your corrections just by comparing your past with your current position.

Step Sixth: Help the Helpless People

Your feelings can be changed whenever you get thoughts of jealousy, you should start serving the destitute and helpless  people. Those who do not have the ability to earn money, you should give the knowledge to earn money. Those who do not have food you can give them food. By helping them, there is a sense of satisfaction in which you will find peace and happiness and good sleep at night.

Related Contents 

  1. How to Overcome Emotional Guilty?
  2. How to Control Ego?
  3. How to Control Anger?
  4. How to Overcome the Fear of Disease? 

Other Languages 


Acidity,5,AIDS,2,Allergies,1,Anger Management,4,animal therapy,2,Answers,1,Asanas,9,Asthma (Disease Or Medical Condition),2,Attitude,1,Bacterial diseases,1,bite treatment,1,Blood Pressure,5,Bone and joint Diseases,4,Boost Immune System,11,Brahmachari Song,1,Brahmacharya,32,Cancer,3,Cholesterol,1,Cold,1,Conceive the Baby,1,Constipation,1,Control Sexual Urges,1,Cough,3,cure baldness,1,Diabetes,1,Diagnosis,2,Diet Plan,16,Differences,1,digestion system,1,digestion system disease,1,Discipline Quality,1,Ear Diseases,1,Emotions,21,ENT,1,Environment Protection,4,Exercise for Health,50,Eyes Diseases,1,FAQ,1,Fasting,3,fat burn,2,Fever,2,Fibroids in Uterus,12,Fire therapy,1,Fitness,1,Free Solutions,12,Gallbladder Stone,9,gangrene,1,Gastritis,1,ghee,1,God,1,Good Habits,7,Gratitude,3,Habit,1,Hair Diseases,3,Happiness,7,Heal,1,Health Dictionary,33,Health Motivation,15,Health Tips,56,Heart Diseases,4,Height Converter,1,Height Increase,28,Hernia,25,HIV,3,Human anatomy,1,Human Body,3,Hydrocele,10,Hypothyroidism,2,IBS,9,Indian Cow,1,Infectious diseases,3,Jaundice,1,Kidney Diseases,1,List of Fruits,1,Liver Diseases,9,Love,1,Lungs diseases,2,Meal Planning,2,Medical Test Reports,2,Meditation,3,Men's Health,3,Mind,6,Mud Therapy,1,Natural Medicine,10,Natural Foods,14,Nature,2,Naturopathy,1,Naturopathy Techniques,6,Naturopathy Treatment,60,Never Eat Meat,1,Night Fall,1,Niyam,1,Non- Veg.,1,Notification,1,Obesity,1,Ovary Cysts Solutions,4,overcome sex,5,Overcome Sexual Thoughts,1,Overcome the Addiction,16,Overweight,2,Oxygen Level,2,pain,11,Pancreas diseases,2,Peace of Mind,1,Personality Development,3,Piles,2,Plants and Tree Donation Campaign,1,Positive emotions,6,Positivity,8,Pranavayam,3,Pranayama,1,Premium Audio,1,Productivity Tips,2,Psychological Treatment,43,Quiz,1,Relationship,1,Reproductive System Diseases,3,Reproductive System Health,3,Respectfulness,1,Respiratory system diseases,7,Running,2,Sciatica,1,Self Confidence,9,Shoulder Pain,6,Silence,3,Sinusitis,2,Skin Diseases,6,Solutions,24,song,2,Spleen Diseases,12,Stomach Diseases,21,Streches,1,Strength Exercises,5,stress,4,Stress Management,9,success,1,Swami Dayanand Naturopathy Hospital,1,Symptoms of Diseases,13,Teeth Diseases,3,Testimonials,8,Thankfulness,2,thinking,5,Thoughts Leadership,5,Urinary System Diseases,1,Varicocele,15,Vegetables,1,Videos,2,Weight Gain,7,Weight Loss,4,Woman Naturopathy Treatment,21,Written Content,1,Yog,10,Yum,1,
Swami Dayanand Naturopathy Hospital: How to Overcome Jealousy?
How to Overcome Jealousy?
Swami Dayanand Naturopathy Hospital
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