After study lots of self-help and psychological books, I found 10 best laws to Be Anxiety Free. If you will apply it in your daily life for 30 days, you can easily become a person who is totally anxiety free.
1. Concentration on your Biggest Goal.
2. Determination for your Biggest Goal.
3. Gratitude for other's Kindness
4. Appreciation for Other's work
5. Respect for Others
6. Forgive for other's mistakes
7. Pardon for own mistakes from others
8. Trust on other
9. Self confidence to face other
10. Hope for happening what you want in future.
If you will not follow above 10 rules, you will not control your anxiety, if you have to control your anxiety, you need to start
1. Focus on goal
2. Become active with determination instead lazy person
3. Be a thankful person and avoid complain
4. Stop to criticize habit by appreciation
5. Never insult other by respect other
6. Clear your mind from ego thoughts by forgive other
7. Clear your mind from ego thoughts by pardon from other
8. Stop doubt and start trust on other 9. After study lots of self-help and psychological books, I found 10 best laws to Be Anxiety Free. If you will apply it in your daily life for 30 days, you can easily become a person who is totally anxiety free.
1. Concentration on your Biggest Goal.
2. Determination for your Biggest Goal.
3. Gratitude for other's Kindness
4. Appreciation for Other's work
5. Respect for Others
6. Forgive for other's mistakes
7. Pardon for own mistakes from others
8. Trust on other
9. Self confidence to face other
10. Hope for happening what you want in future.
If you will not follow above 10 rules, you will not control your anxiety, if you have to control your anxiety, you need to start
1. Focus on goal
2. Become active with determination instead lazy person
3. Be a thankful person and avoid complain
4. Stop to criticize habit by appreciation
5. Never insult other by respect other
6. Clear your mind from ego thoughts by forgive other
7. Clear your mind from ego thoughts by pardon from other
8. Stop doubt and start trust on other
9. Stop fear and increase your self confidence
10. Stop give up by hope and it will bring never give up in you.