There are lots of life style causes which can contribute to grow the fibroids in your uterus. Different patient may have different causes but we are making most common causes list.
1. Negative Thoughts
If you think negative and these negative thoughts becomes big box of negative emotions. It creates negative energy. Same negative energy creates negative harmons. These negative harmons disorder reproduction system. So, Fibroid and uterus tumor comes in our front.
One of big negative thoughts
2. Breaking of Brahmacharya
Breaking of brahmacharya for pleasure is also main cause of fibroid. Brahmacharya gives the immunity for woman. But due to ignorance and pleasure of mind, we do big mistakes in the life.
When woman see bad
write bad
speak bad
listen bad
remember bad
plan bad
action bad
then this fibroids will come because bad is its parent.
When we speak good
listen good
think good
write good
remember good
plan good
action good
Fibroid will remove.
3. Eating of Non-Veg., Eggs, Fish and Meat Food
Eating of non veg. eggs, fish and meat are the main cause of fibroids. All increases bad fat in the body which made bad fluid and muscle grows in and outside of uterus and this tumor will become.
4. Drinking Cold Water, Soft Drinks or Alcohol
If you go any outside, or in home, there is the trend of cold water and freeze. This freeze and cold water, soft drink and alcohol are also main reason of developing of your fibroid. If you are drinking or in past you drank, it has made the fibroid current time.
5. Eating of Fast Food, Outside Food, Packet Food, Hotel Food, Marriage Food, Party Food, Birthday Food, Meda Food, Sweet Food and Salty Food
Once, many years ago, I went to eat the food in the hotel. I see that some part of food fell on the earth, the employee had picked and again added in main food. I told, Mr. Employee of this hotel. This is too wrong. There are many people come with shoes, they work different work. Some of poison part may fell on the earth. When your some food had fallen on the earth, you must not pick and add in main food. but he told, if he will do, he will face the loss in the business.
So, you understand, outside people only see the business, they do not care the health of people and customers. So, why you become the fool of eating outside food, packet food, hotel food, marriage food, party food, birthday food, meda food, sweet food and salty food. All are poison and same poison has made your fibroids. Stop it.
6. Not Eating Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
One of bad habit of women who have fibroid in past or current time, they either do not eat fresh fruits and green vegetables or they eat less. So, they do not get proper vetamin in the body and their immunity low and same disease comes in our test report.
7. Not Doing Regular Walking, Exercise, Asan and Pranvayam
Woman with fibroid has the past history, they are not regular for walking, exercise, asan and pranvyam. They are lazy nature. Their laziness is main cause of their fibroid. So, stop it.
I have fibroid so I need treatment for my problem the doctors said they are big size 22 , live in FS I went to porchstroom hospital so they treat people nice my problem is there's nothing they can do because they are so big there only option is to remove or I do IVF , treatment I suggest to take treatment because is the only option I can take
ReplyDeleteThere is no benefit of surgery of Fibroids because it does not cut the root of causes. Moreover, it has side effects also which I have mentioned in another content. So, read at