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What is the Highest Level of Satisfaction in Life

First of all, I will tell you that satisfaction is not a thing which you can find in this world. Its search will only inside the body.

Inside the body, you can find your highest level of satisfaction and it will be only truth. I can only help you to reach you at that level.

1.  With Gratitude Attitude, You can Understand that everything which you will achieve is not your own. It is the hard work of others and by thanks to other you can find the highest level of satisfaction in life.

Let me explain

For example, you are no. 1 in the money point of view. World says  you number one richest person in the world. But do you think, you have satisfied. Why because at reaching at that level.

Millions supports you have received. It includes your team members, your family, your friends, your gurus, your employees and your motivators. If you declare, I am at the highest level of satisfaction by reaching at this level and no one is like me and I am here alone.

Then it will be lie. A person with lie can not feel the highest level of satisfaction.

If you say that I am richest person in the world but I do not want to get its all credit. Yes, I am here but

Its base are my teacher.

Its base are my employees.

Its base are my motivators

Its base are the writers whose books I read

Its base are my family support

Its base are my customers

Its base are the my suppliers

Its base are the power of God

I am really thankful to them. I can not pay their debt for reaching me at great level. When you will fall with gratitude, you will become real hero because you have declared the truth of support of every one.

If you will hide all other's hard work credit, you will be cheater. You are taking credit of others hard work. You will feel fear and running for satisfaction like a thief is running after cheating.

In everything, this apply

If you are great position in job. Think how you are at here. Only with the support of other

If you are beggar and survive near the temple or masjid or gurudvara or church. Think how you are here and how you are survive. Only the support of other.

If you are judge and think you are at big chair. How you are here. Only the support of millions of people.

For example, I am successful doctor and takes all credit for this. I will be really an unsatisfied doctor in the world because I have cheated everyone who supported me. If I want to be real satisfied doctor, I will have to give credit to all whose idea, I have taken and hide their name.

One of best way to reach at highest level of satisfaction.

Every day thanks to God for new reason. I find everyday a new reason for thanks to my god.

Every day thanks to your parent for new reason.

Every day thanks to 5 new person who brings happiness in your life.

Every day thanks to the person who gives you pain and helps you make you strong.

Like fire is fire. Most can keep hand in fire just 1 to 2 seconds but blacksmith can keep hand in fire from 5 seconds to 20 seconds without anything happen.


Because for making iron equipment, every day, he goes to fire and makes his hand strong. For this, he is thankful to fire angel.

2. When You Start to Thanks Everyone in the World, You Start You Travel to Satisfaction

Satisfaction is mental highest level of peace and happiness.

First day, you have to thanks to all for their kindness and support. You have taken first step to become truthful from inside.

2nd day, you have to thanks to all for their kindness and support. You have taken one more step to become truthful from inside.

3rd  day, you have to thanks to all for their kindness and support. You have taken taken one more step to become truthful from inside.

4th  day, you have to thanks to all for their kindness and support. You have taken taken one more step to become truthful from inside.

One year,  you have to thanks to all for their kindness and support. You have taken taken one more step to become truthful from inside.

10 years,  you have to  thanks to all for their kindness and support. You have taken taken one more step to become truthful from inside.

When, your whole inside will fill with truth only and there is no lie inside with the help of becoming thankful to all's support and kindness. You will feel, you have unlimited power of unlimited people and god to you. You feel excess in your body. You will flow to give others helpless by paying the price of  debt. Because you have received the debt by getting the support from other. Now best way to refund this debt by giving the support to other helpless.

When you will start to give everything extra, you will reach very near to highest level of satisfaction in the life.

IF you starts to say and declare what I am giving is not my own. I have taken it from others support and I have unable to keep it extra and distribute to you and so, there is no need to thanks to me.

It means you will travel at the end of highest level of satisfaction in life

First = Thanks to God and Others for their Kindness and Support

Second = Starts to Give Others

Third = Bring more humbleness. That what I am giving is not my own. It is other and I am giving it because I have extra to keep it in my home. So, there is no need to thanks me. I am not deserve for your thanks.

Watch for more detail in following video


Acidity,5,AIDS,2,Allergies,1,Anger Management,4,animal therapy,2,Answers,1,Asanas,9,Asthma (Disease Or Medical Condition),2,Attitude,1,Bacterial diseases,1,bite treatment,1,Blood Pressure,5,Bone and joint Diseases,4,Boost Immune System,11,Brahmachari Song,1,Brahmacharya,31,Cancer,3,Cholesterol,1,Cold,1,Conceive the Baby,1,Constipation,1,Control Sexual Urges,1,Cough,3,cure baldness,1,Diabetes,1,Diagnosis,2,Diet Plan,16,Differences,1,digestion system,1,digestion system disease,1,Discipline Quality,1,Ear Diseases,1,Emotions,21,ENT,1,Environment Protection,4,Exercise for Health,50,Eyes Diseases,1,FAQ,1,Fasting,3,fat burn,2,Fever,2,Fibroids in Uterus,9,Fitness,1,Free Solutions,12,Gallbladder Stone,9,gangrene,1,Gastritis,1,ghee,1,God,1,Good Habits,7,Gratitude,3,Habit,1,Hair Diseases,3,Happiness,7,Heal,1,Health Dictionary,33,Health Motivation,15,Health Tips,56,Heart Diseases,4,Height Converter,1,Height Increase,28,Hernia,25,HIV,3,Human anatomy,1,Human Body,3,Hydrocele,10,Hypothyroidism,2,IBS,9,Indian Cow,1,Infectious diseases,3,Jaundice,1,Kidney Diseases,1,List of Fruits,1,Liver Diseases,9,Love,1,Lungs diseases,2,Meal Planning,2,Medical Test Reports,2,Meditation,3,Men's Health,3,Mind,6,Mud Therapy,1,Natural Medicine,10,Natural Foods,14,Nature,2,Naturopathy,1,Naturopathy Techniques,4,Naturopathy Treatment,60,Never Eat Meat,1,Night Fall,1,Niyam,1,Non- Veg.,1,Notification,1,Obesity,1,Ovary Cysts Solutions,4,overcome sex,5,Overcome Sexual Thoughts,1,Overcome the Addiction,16,Overweight,2,Oxygen Level,2,pain,11,Pancreas diseases,2,Peace of Mind,1,Personality Development,3,Piles,2,Plants and Tree Donation Campaign,1,Positive emotions,6,Positivity,7,Pranavayam,3,Pranayama,1,Productivity Tips,1,Psychological Treatment,43,Quiz,1,Relationship,1,Reproductive System Diseases,3,Reproductive System Health,3,Respectfulness,1,Respiratory system diseases,7,Running,2,Sciatica,1,Self Confidence,9,Shoulder Pain,6,Silence,3,Sinusitis,2,Skin Diseases,6,Solutions,24,song,2,Spleen Diseases,12,Stomach Diseases,21,Streches,1,Strength Exercises,5,stress,4,Stress Management,9,success,1,Swami Dayanand Naturopathy Hospital,1,Symptoms of Diseases,13,Teeth Diseases,3,Testimonials,8,Thankfulness,2,thinking,5,Thoughts Leadership,5,Urinary System Diseases,1,Varicocele,15,Vegetables,1,Videos,2,Weight Gain,7,Weight Loss,4,Woman Naturopathy Treatment,20,Written Content,1,Yog,10,Yum,1,
Swami Dayanand Naturopathy Hospital: What is the Highest Level of Satisfaction in Life
What is the Highest Level of Satisfaction in Life
Swami Dayanand Naturopathy Hospital
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